The older one gets, the older ones family members gets. It also becomes harder it can be to find/give a gift that they do not already have and also communicates even a fraction of the sense of love and appreciation you have for them. So when my parents began to talk about renovating the pool, patio and backyard of the house they live in, which I grew up in, but were uncertain of some design choices, I sensed a great gift giving opportunity.
The idea started out both small and simple – to mock up the backyard layout in Sketchup to help visualize some design choices about patio stone layout, colours, pool trim, etc. As time went by – the start of the pandemic delayed the scheduling/start of the contracted renovations – with each trip I’d visit them I’d get a few more measurements of rooms in the house and add details to the model. By the time the leaves were falling off the trees, I had hatched large ideas for a small scale version of their house as a Christmas present.
For the next few birthdays, anniversaries, or Christmases, there would be an additional detail added to the model until it was so large that Dad decided it needed its own table. This

Approximate Timeline:
- December 2020 – Main House
- July 2021 – Backyard Build
- April 2022 – Front Yard Grown In
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