Product Gallery
The photos in this Product Gallery represent the types of materials, production techniques or past projects that Idealien Studios is most likely to be interested to collaborate with you as a customer to create. If there is an element here that inspires you, or you have ideas for a new product you think we would be interested in producing with/for you, please get in touch with us.
Our Build Blog aims to capture the wider array of our efforts, including some like the Hex-A-Deck which are very much 1-of-1 creations. Hopefully it helps you understand the range of experience we can draw upon when working with you, while also serving a dual purpose to let us easily share what we’ve been working on with friends, family, or other makers.

Wooden Trays, Trophies,
Signs and Surfaces
Whether it is one type of wood or more that are flat, routed, lasered, inlaid, layered or combined in novel ways, creating with wood was the first material I learned to work with and remains a preference to.
Screen Printing Shirts
From one-off designs to small batches for event attendees, improv, sport or corporate teams, group adventures and more. Bringing a design onto wearables is one of the relatively newer offerings, but it taps into a wealth of experience I have with graphic design that is quickly becoming a favourite.

Sublimation and
Most often sublimation designs are pressed on shirts or ceramics while vinyl masks or laser etching on glass. But both processes have a wealth of other material applications I enjoy exploring.
3D Prints, Paints, Epoxy
and other Mixed Media
This is the hardest item to describe to potential customers because every project seems to bring a new material, process or design concept. But, that variety is a spice I enjoy in my life, and look forward to creating something with in yours.