For my 25th birthday my parents asked if there was something I would like built by them. The core concept – a two-shelf liquor cabinet – was sketched out pretty quickly. The stained glass design for the doors would take almost until my 26th year on this planet for us to collectively decide upon design for, colours of, cut, foil and solder into the doors. Since it was finished, it has been a statement piece wherever I have lived.
I’m not sure what it is about the tumbling block pattern in it, or the hexagons that encompass them, but truly hexagons are the bestagons. After hanging the liquor cabinet in my current dining room and finding a hexagon-esque carpet that really ties the living room together (…man), when I began to noodle on designs for a new deck for my backyard, I realized there really was only one option.

The feedback has been fantastic
I took quite a few pictures, and a whole host of timelapse videos that hopefully a day sooner rather than later will turn into a proper making-of video like the equally ambitious Zelda Breath of the Wild table I made last year, but for now it is just an epic photo build montage.
How it was made
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