I enjoy experimenting with spices in the kitchen to elevate the flavours of a new or just new-to-me dish. However, searching for the right spice amidst cluttered cabinets is the very opposite of joy to me. So, when I found this minimalist spice rack 3D print file that mounts onto kitchen cupboard doors with 4 wooden dowels it was an obvious must print. Combined with a kit of pre-labelled jars the file was designed to fit, organized, easy access spices have inspired even more confidence in experimenting with flavor combinations.
An equally small, but impactful kitchen project finished up a few weeks before was to mount a compost bin on the door under sink at nearly counter level. Scraps can easily slide off the cutting board into it making for quick clean-up.
I swear my food tastes better for both of them being in the kitchen.

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