This project was a collaboration with, and guest post written by, Gortho who is my DND character that has been actively involved in a multiple campaigns with the Maker Alliance DND.
About Gortho
Gortho is a bugbear, currently level 7 (4 fighter / 3 wizard), that started out as an NPC. Last year, we collaborated on a 1-hour build challenge for the Maker Alliance Summer Camp Pinewood Derby where participants could only use tools or materials on-site to build their car. The result wasn’t the fastest “car”, but thanks to 4 mAh of Ryobi battery power it won the ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’ award.
With his main campaign on hiatus due to GM scheduling challenges, Gortho expressed an interest to level up his car making skills to compete for the Best In Show award for the 2024 edition.
As much as I may have been the one making the majority of the materials, paint and packaging come together, the vision, inspiration and so many easter egg details for the build which lead to it winning Best In Show award were all Gortho.
Note: Gortho doesn’t always (ever?) write or talk correctly in first/third person.

Hello, I am Gortho!
Gortho may not have been living his best life, but Gortho was happy smashing stagecoaches in Faerun and taking gold, meats and other goodies. A few years ago Gortho tried to surprise some players and wizard touched Gortho in the head to make him run away. Gortho was very confused by this! How was wizard make/convince Gortho to do something Gortho didn’t want? As Gortho got back to being Gortho, Gortho decided that he needed to wizard good too. To learn how he could make others do things for Gortho or stop others from doing that to people who Gortho likes.
Gortho never did find that wizard, he “apparently” died, but Gortho met some of his friends that seem good. We drank many More Beers together and smashed some monsters along the way. They all know that I am Gortho, but also think they are Gortho? We went into the Savage Frontier for some code and fierce battles. We were just about to break the Frostweavers’ face open for killing little friend Pip when everything in Gortho’s world just stopped. All his friends too.
Suddenly, Gortho was warped someplace hot that smelled like bourbon and Gortho was being asked to go fast in cars that someone else named Jamie built for him. Gortho likes going fast! Gortho used all the power he could find and did win an award, but the stupid Devinses went faster and won more awards. Gortho does not like that or the Devins despite being tall like Gortho.
Since Gortho won award from very little build time and didn’t portal back to his friends, why not learn to make better cars that go even faster?